I get server load to high..and cant connect on sites for 2-3 min. Not respond. The proble is.. How I can see current running proces, who get most of server resources? n cPanel I see process for whole day, but I need to see current process, who get lot of resources.
The answer is :
If you run something such as "ps -aux", you can see a list of all the processes running along with the amount of CPU/Memory they are using. You might also want to run "top". I think these two commands should be what you are looking for.
You need to shell into the system.
Once logged in you can try:
ps auxf / that will list running processes in the tree format
top // this will start top, showing you process list and resource usage per process
While in top window hit:
SHIFT + m / to see list of processes sorted by memory usage
SHIFT + p / to see list of processes sorted by processor usage
If you find that your apache is using too much resources you can check apache status to see which apache process in problematic:
links http://localhost/whm-server-status/
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